How it works in practice for joint tenancies
A new tenancy agreement may be drawn up, or an amendment may be made to the existing agreement to reflect the change in tenant.
Landlords and agents should ensure that the incoming tenant agrees in writing to be bound by the original inventory, making it clear that future deposit refunds will be based on this document.
For the outgoing tenant, a waiver should be provided to clarify that they have received a refund of their share of the deposit and that they have no claim to the deposit under any new tenancy agreement.
If a new tenancy agreement has been entered into, the deposit registration for the old tenancy should be brought to an end.
The deposit for the new tenancy must be protected with a Government-approved deposit protection scheme, such as TDS within 30-days of receiving it.
TDS Custodial customers can simplify the process with an online tenant changeover function
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